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How To Soundproof A Bedroom Floor [Seal Your Room Like Vacuum]

By: Susie
Updated On: May 8, 2023

Are you tired of being woken up by your neighbor’s yappy dog, your partner’s snoring, or the creaky floors of your own home? Let’s be honest; we all love a good night’s sleep. But what happens when your noisy neighbor decides to throw a party, and your bedroom floor feels like it’s vibrating to the beat? That’s where soundproofing comes in.

Let’s find out a foolproof solution to the uninvited noises. My dear sleep-deprived friend, today we will talk about how to soundproof a bedroom floor like a pro on your own. No more earplugs or white noise machines are needed – it’s time to reclaim your right to silence, one DIY project at a time.

How To Soundproof A Bedroom Floor DIY

How To Soundproof A Bedroom Floor DIY

Bedroom floor soundproofing can be a game-changer for those struggling with external noise disruptions at night. Whether it’s loud neighbors, traffic noise, or your partner’s snoring, soundproofing can help you get the peaceful sleep you deserve. This article will provide an overview of the steps involved in soundproofing a bedroom floor DIY-style.

We will cover everything from finding the problem areas to finishing the floor, and we hope to guide you through the process quickly. With creativity and suitable materials, you’ll be on your way to a soundproof bedroom floor in no time.

Summary Of The Steps Involved In Diy Soundproofing

  • You must prepare the bedroom by removing furniture, cleaning the floor, and filling any gaps or cracks.
  • Install soundproofing materials, such as underlayment, sound-deadening mats, or acoustic panels, and seal the gaps between the floor and walls.
  • Finish the floor by installing a new subfloor, carpet, or hardwood flooring, and return your furniture and other items.

Identify The Problem Areas

Identify The Problem Areas

To soundproof a bedroom floor, you must first locate the areas where sound enters or escapes. Is it the sound of footsteps from the apartment above or traffic from the street outside? Or is it your partner’s snoring that’s keeping you up at night? Whatever the issue may be, specify it, and we will work on a solution.

Causes Of Noise In A Bedroom

There are several causes of noise in a bedroom that can affect the quality of your sleep. Here are some of the most common causes of noise in a bedroom:

  • External noise: External noise from traffic, construction work, and neighborhood activities can cause disturbances in your sleep.
  • Footsteps: The sound of footsteps from the apartment above or below can be a significant source of noise in a bedroom.
  • Household appliances: Household appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, or washing machines can produce noise that may interfere with your sleep.
  • Snoring: If you or your partner snores, it can create noise that may disturb your sleep.
  • Pets: If your pets like to play or make noise at night, it can disrupt your sleep.
  • Thin walls: Thin walls can transmit noise from neighboring rooms or apartments, causing disturbances in your sleep.

Areas Of The Floor That Need Soundproofing

Here are some of the areas of the floor that need soundproofing:

  • The Subfloor: The subfloor is the layer that sits directly on top of the floor joists. It is the foundation for the floor covering, and sound can readily travel through it. Adding a layer of soundproofing material on top of the subfloor can help decrease noise levels.
  • The Floor Covering: The type of flooring you have can also affect the noise levels in your bedroom. Hardwood floors, for example, can amplify sound, while carpets can absorb sound. Adding a layer of soundproofing material under the floor covering can help minimize noise levels.
  • Gaps and Crevices: Any gaps or crevices in the floor can allow sound to travel through them. Sealing these gaps and crevices with caulk or sealant can help prevent sound from traveling through them.
  • Walls: Although not technically part of the floor, walls can also affect the noise levels in a bedroom. Sound can travel through walls, so adding soundproofing material can help.

Knowing the areas causing the most disturbance will guide you in selecting the best materials and techniques.

Ways To Test The Noise Level In A Bedroom

Here are some tips and tricks to test and measure:

  • Use a Sound Level Meter: A sound level meter is a device that measures the intensity of sound waves in decibels (dB). It can be used to measure the noise level in a bedroom and identify the origin of the noise.
  • Record the Noise: You can use a smartphone or any recording device to record the noise in your bedroom. This can help you pinpoint the noise and pick the best sound reduction approaches.
  • Listen Carefully: Take some time to listen carefully to the noise in your bedroom. Is it a low-frequency sound or a high-pitched sound? Is it a continuous sound or intermittent? This can help you recognize the noise sources and choose how to remove the issues.
  • Ask for a Second Opinion: Sometimes, we can get used to the noise in our bedroom and not even notice it anymore. Ask a friend or family member to spend a night in your bedroom and see if they notice any noise disturbances.

Plan And Gather Materials

Plan And Gather Materials

Now that you’ve identified the problem areas, planning and gathering materials is the next task. Think of it like preparing for a DIY project. You’ll need essential materials like underlayment, sound-deadening mats, and acoustic panels. Don’t forget the duct tape and earplugs, just in case.

Materials Required For Soundproofing A Bedroom Floor

Below are the specific materials it requires to reduce noise levels:

  • Underlayment: An underlayment is a thin layer of material installed between the subfloor and the floor covering. It can be made of cork, foam, or rubber.
  • Sound Deadening Mats: Sound Deadening mats block sound waves and reduce impact noise, such as footsteps or objects dropping. They can be installed under the subfloor.
  • Acoustic Panels: Acoustic panels absorb sound waves and lower the impact of reverberation and echo. They can be installed on the walls or ceiling.
  • Mass-Loaded Vinyl (MLV): MLV is a heavy vinyl sheet that can soundproof against airborne noise such as traffic, music, or conversations from neighbors. It can be installed under the floor covering or on the walls.
  • Green Glue: Green glue is a viscoelastic compound that dampens vibration and reduces noise levels. It can be applied between layers of drywall or under the subfloor.
  • Sealant: Sealant is used to fill any gaps or crevices in the floor or walls to prevent sound from traveling through them.
  • Carpet or Hardwood Flooring: The type of flooring chosen can also affect noise levels in a bedroom. Carpets can absorb sound waves, while hardwood floors can amplify sound.

Cost Of Materials For Soundproofing A Bedroom Floor

The cost of materials can vary depending on the specific materials chosen and the room size. Here are some estimates of the cost for a 200-square-foot bedroom:

  • Underlayment: The cost of underlayment can range from $0.20 to $0.80 per square foot, depending on the material and thickness chosen. The cost can be anywhere from $40 to $160.
  • Sound Deadening Mats: The cost of sound deadening mats can range from $0.50 to $3.00 per square foot, depending on the material and thickness chosen. The cost may vary between $100 and $600.
  • Acoustic Panels: The cost of acoustic panels can range from $50 to $200 per panel, depending on the size and type chosen. The cost can range from $250 to $1000.
  • Mass-Loaded Vinyl (MLV): MLV can range from $1.50 to $3.00 per square foot, depending on the thickness and quality chosen. The price may vary between $300 and $600.
  • Green Glue: The cost of green glue can range from $0.75 to $1.50 per square foot, depending on the quantity and type chosen. You can expect a range of costs from $150 to $300.
  • Sealant: The cost of sealant can range from $5 to $15 per tube, depending on the brand and type chosen. The number of tubes needed will depend on the size of the gaps or crevices that need to be filled.
  • Carpet or Hardwood Flooring: The cost of carpet or hardwood flooring will vary depending on the type and quality chosen. The expenses may go from $1000 to $3000.

Overall, the cost of materials can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, depending on the materials chosen and the room size. It’s vital to consider the cost of materials when planning to soundproof a bedroom floor.

Prepare The Bedroom

Prepare The Bedroom

Clear out your bedroom and prepare the floor for the soundproofing materials. Take a break from Netflix binges and remove all furniture and items from the room. Vacuum and clean the floor. And don’t forget to fill gaps or cracks with some good old-fashioned caulk.

Preparing the bedroom is the first step in soundproofing your bedroom floor. Here are the details of the steps mentioned above. Following these steps, you’ll have a clean and prepped bedroom floor ready for soundproofing materials.

Remove Furniture And Other Items

Remove all the furniture and items from your bedroom floor. This includes your bed, dressers, nightstands, lamps, etc. This will give you enough space to work with and ensure you don’t accidentally damage any of your belongings while soundproofing.

Clean The Floor

Once the furniture is removed, clean the floor. Start by sweeping up any debris, dust, or dirt. You can then use a vacuum cleaner to remove any remaining dirt or dust. Pay attention to the corners and edges of the room, as dirt and dust can accumulate in these areas. Cleaning the floor will ensure that the soundproofing materials stick correctly to the floor.

Fill Any Gaps Or Cracks

Before laying down the soundproofing materials, filling any gaps or cracks in the floor is crucial. Use a good-quality caulk to seal any gaps or cracks. Pay special attention to the areas where the floor meets the wall, as these are common areas where gaps and cracks occur. Filling in these gaps and cracks will prevent any sound from leaking.

Install Soundproofing Material

Install Soundproofing Material

Now comes the fun part, installing the soundproofing material. We’re talking about laying down the underlayment, installing the sound-deadening mats or acoustic panels, and sealing the gaps between the floor and walls. If you’re feeling adventurous, throw some tunes and dance through this step.

Lay The Underlayment

The first step in soundproofing your bedroom floor is to lay down the underlayment. This material acts as a barrier between the subfloor and the flooring material. It helps decrease the noise’s impact and prevent sound from traveling through the floor.

You can use materials like cork, rubber, or foam as underlayment. Before installing the underlayment, ensure that the floor is clean and dry. Cut the underlayment to match the dimensions of your room and lay it out, making sure it is straight and taut.

Install Sound Deadening Mats Or Acoustic Panels

Once you have laid the underlayment, installing the sound-deadening mats or acoustic panels is next. Sound-deadening mats are made of materials like mass-loaded vinyl or rubber and can help to facilitate the transmission of impact noise.

Acoustic panels, however, are designed to absorb sound waves and prevent them from reflecting off hard surfaces. You can install sound-deadening mats or acoustic panels directly onto the underlayment. Cut them according to the size of your room and lay them down. You can also use an adhesive to ensure that they stay in place.

Seal The Gaps Between The Floor And the Walls

After you have installed the soundproofing materials, seal the gaps between the floor and walls. Sound can readily travel through even the tiniest gaps and cracks, so sealing them up is essential. You can use materials like acoustical caulk or weatherstripping to seal the gaps.

Apply the caulk or weatherstripping along the edges of the walls and the baseboard. This will help to prevent sound from escaping through the gaps and traveling to other parts of the house.

Finish The Floor

Finish The Floor

With the soundproofing material in place, finish the floor. You can opt for a new subfloor, cozy carpet, or hardwood flooring. The choice is yours! But don’t forget to put back your furniture and other items. Say goodbye to those sleepless nights.

Install A New Subfloor

  • Remove the existing flooring to expose the subfloor underneath
  • Assess the condition of the subfloor and make sure any repairs or replacement is needed
  • Install a soundproofing underlayment over the subfloor to absorb sound and vibrations
  • Secure the underlayment using adhesive or nails, making sure there are no gaps or spaces
  • Install the new subfloor on top of the underlayment, using screws or nails to secure it in place
  • Ensure the new subfloor is level even before proceeding to the next step

Add Carpet Or Hardwood Flooring

  • Choose carpet or hardwood flooring designed for soundproofing with a high Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) rating.
  • Measure the room carefully to determine the carpet or flooring needed, considering any corners or angles.
  • Install the carpet or flooring according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using a soundproofing underlayment if necessary.
  • Ensure the carpet or flooring is tightly secured, with no gaps or spaces allowing sound to pass through.
  • Consider adding a thick rug on top of the carpet or flooring to absorb sound further.

Reinstall Furniture And Other Items

  • Move furniture and other items back into the room carefully, avoiding dragging or scraping them across the new flooring.
  • Use furniture pads or felt on the bottom of furniture legs to further downsize noise transmission.
  • Consider rearranging the furniture to optimize the soundproofing benefits of the new flooring.
  • Install noise-canceling curtains or blinds on windows to block out external noise.

Enjoy your newly soundproofed and cozy bedroom!

Explore More: How To Soundproof A Hollow Door? [Do Everything At Home]

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips to help you reduce noise in your bedroom. Invest in some heavy curtains or blinds to block out street noise. Keep the doors and windows closed during the night. And if all else fails, try a white noise machine or some soothing music.

Other Ways To Reduce Noise In A Bedroom

While soundproofing your bedroom floor is a great start, other ways exist to reduce noise in your sleeping quarters. One option is to install a door sweep to seal the gap between the door and the floor. You can also add weatherstripping to windows and doors to prevent sound from entering the room.

Another strategy is to place bookshelves or other large objects against the walls, as this can absorb sound waves and prevent them from bouncing around the room. Hanging heavy curtains or drapes can help significantly, especially if lined with soundproofing materials.

Maintenance And Care Of Soundproofing Materials

Proper maintenance and care of your soundproofing materials are essential to ensure they remain efficient in noise deduction over time. Vacuum or sweep your carpet regularly to prevent dirt and debris from accumulating and affecting its sound-dampening properties. If you have hardwood flooring, regularly sweep or mop to keep it clean and debris-free.

If you installed acoustic panels, check them periodically to ensure they are firmly attached to the wall and have not become damaged or dislodged. If you notice any issues, address them promptly to ensure the continued persuasion of your soundproofing efforts.

Hiring A Professional For Complex Soundproofing Projects

While It can be a DIY project, more complex soundproofing projects may require the assistance of a professional. For example, if you live in a noisy apartment building, you may need to address noise issues in your walls or ceiling, which can be more challenging to tackle independently.

A professional soundproofing contractor can assess your space, point out the origin of the noise, and recommend and install the appropriate materials to soundproof your bedroom. While this option may be more expensive than a DIY project, it can provide a more comprehensive and long-lasting solution to noise issues in your home.

Benefits Of Soundproofing A Bedroom Floor

Benefits Of Soundproofing A Bedroom Floor

Let’s know what the importance of soundproofing a bedroom floor is. Below are some benefits::

  • Peaceful Sleep: It ensures peaceful and uninterrupted sleep. No more waking up due to noisy neighbors, traffic sounds, or footsteps from the apartment above.
  • Improved Concentration: If you work from home or study in the bedroom, soundproofing the floor can help improve your concentration. By blocking out distracting noises, you can focus better on your tasks and be more productive.
  • Enhanced Privacy: Soundproofing the floor can help you maintain your privacy. It can prevent the sound of your conversations from traveling outside the room, making it ideal for those who value their privacy.
  • Health Benefits: Getting enough sleep is crucial for our health, and soundproofing the bedroom floor can help ensure that. It can ease stress levels, prevent hearing damage, and even lower blood pressure.
  • Increased Property Value: Soundproofing your bedroom floor can also increase the value of your property. It is a desirable feature that potential buyers look for, and it can be a significant selling point if you plan on selling your home in the future.
  • Better Sound Quality: If you’re a music lover, soundproofing the bedroom floor can help you enjoy music with better sound quality. It can reduce external noises that may interfere with the sound quality of your music system.

Bedroom floor soundproofing can have numerous benefits, ranging from improved sleep quality to increased property value. It is a worthwhile investment that can significantly impact your life.

Take Action To Soundproof A Bedroom Floor

Don’t suffer in silence if you’re struggling with noise pollution in your bedroom! Soundproofing your bedroom floor is a DIY project that can be completed on the weekend with suitable materials and tools. So take action, get some peace, and enjoy a better night’s sleep.


Do I Need To Install A Carpet Or Other Flooring Material Over The Soundproofing Layer?

Yes, installing a carpet or other flooring material over the soundproofing layer is recommended to help further reduce noise transmission and provide a comfortable surface to walk on.

How Effective Is Diy Soundproofing Of A Bedroom Floor?

DIY soundproofing techniques can significantly reduce noise transmission but may not eliminate it. The effectiveness will depend on the materials used, the extent of the soundproofing, and the specific noise source.

Are There Any Safety Precautions I Must Take When Soundproofing A Bedroom Floor?

Wear appropriate protective gear when handling soundproofing materials, such as gloves and a mask. Also, follow manufacturer instructions carefully and ventilate the room during and after installation.

How Much Does It Cost To Soundproof A Bedroom Floor?

It will depend on the room size, the materials used, and whether you hire a professional or do it yourself. DIY soundproofing can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars, depending on the materials and extent of the project.

How Long Does It Take To Soundproof A Bedroom Floor?

The time it takes to soundproof a bedroom floor will depend on the extent of the project and the materials used. DIY soundproofing can take a few hours to a few days, depending on the room’s size and the installation’s complexity.

Can I Soundproof A Bedroom Floor In A Rented Apartment Or House?

Yes, using DIY techniques, you can soundproof a bedroom floor in a rented apartment or house. You must check with your landlord or property management company first to ensure you are not violating lease agreements or building codes.

Will Soundproofing My Bedroom Floor Also Reduce Vibrations?

Yes, soundproofing materials can help reduce vibrations as well as noise transmission. This can be especially useful if you live in an area with heavy foot traffic or noisy neighbors.


Soundproofing for a bedroom floor may appear challenging, but you can get desired results with the right stuff and a few creative nerves! I hope this guide on how to soundproof a bedroom floor DIY will help you.

Next time your noisy neighbor decides to throw a party, you’ll be ready to sleep right through it. And who knows, with a soundproof bedroom, you may even discover a newfound appreciation for your partner’s snoring. Happy DIY-ing!

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